On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 23:48:37 -0300, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good idea; my big problem is that the tools I'm using don't allow for
editting, or for adding title cards.

I suggest you to try Wink (http://www.debugmode.com/wink/). It's free and full of good features. ;) Once I made a simple Hibernate Tools presentation with it for a course and the the audience loved it. :)


hasta la vista!!!

|8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p |8) |8p

thiago h. de paula figueiredo
mestre em ciência da computação pelo dcc/ufmg
ate' porque bobagem pouca e' bobagem . . .

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