Justin Walsh schrieb:
Well tapestry and EJB3 are two very different animals.

The @EJB annotation works /_within/_ an EJB component (EJB
stateless/stateful session bean) because the EJB3 container is in
control of your EJB components (you probably annotated it with
@Stateless of @Stateful) and thus injects the referenced EJB3 element
into your component (behind the scenes) before you get hold of it.
Well, that's not all there is to @EJB annotations. They also work in web applications, e.g. when used in servlet classes.

If you really wanted to, I suspect you may be able to write a custom
enhancement worker (I think thats what they call them?) which inspects
tapestry components (pages etc) for ejb3 annotations, injecting the
appropriate references - but that would be up to you.
Maybe this is what I need. Unfortunately I am not very familiar with annotation workers 
and especially how to inject the "appropriate reference". Where can I start?

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