The dependency should be declared as <scope>provided</scope> in
tapestry-contrib's pom.xml flie.

On 3/18/07, Andreas Andreou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in your pom, where you define the dependency to tapestry-contrib,
have it exclude jboss-j2ee

On 3/18/07, Marcel Schepers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Last week I switched from version 4.0.2 to version 4.1.1. At first sight
> the
> upgrade went very smooth, Maven downloaded all dependencies and Maven's
> jetty:run worked like a charm. The moment I deployed my code on Jetty
> 6.1.0a ClassCastException in one of my servlet filters popped up. This
> filter
> uses JNDI to get hold of a javax.sql.Datasource instance. The datasource
> instances is provided by Commons DBCP. To make a long, very frustrating
> story short, Tapestry's contrib library version 4.1.1. has a dependency
> a
> jboss-j2ee that contains the javax.sql.Datasource interface. I do not
> if this is a Jetty issue or not. But I am puzzled that the JBoss archive
> contains javax.sql classes and interfaces that are provided by Java
> 1.5. Why o why does JBoss bundle the java.sql package?
> Have a nice day,
> Marcel Schepers

Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / JEE Consulting

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