We have a very hard problem with a Tapestry 4.1.1 Application on Windows
IE 6. 
We get javascript errors all the time (even if they are not reproducable
on all developer machines)  using IE 6.

Some of the errors are:

 Could not load 'dojo.looging.Logger'; last tried '__package__.is'
 Could not load 'tapestry.form'; last tried '__package__.is'
 Could not load 'tapestry.form'; last tried '__package__.is'

On a german IE we get more or less the same errors:

 'tapestry' ist undefiniert - which translates to 'tapestry' is
 ' dojo' ist undefiniert - which translates 'dojo' is undefined

Sometimes errors go so far, that IE does not react on any mouse click
any more.
What seems to cure the problem is ab browser refresh (pressing Ctrl F5)

Now we fond another posting
that reports the excat same problem, but the solution given seems not to
work for us.

Are there no any other Tapestry 4.1.1. applications out in the world
that must support IE 6, or do they not
have this problem? But I can't beleve that we have a very special
problem, cause we use an out of the Box
Tapestry with nothing special.

Any hints on this form anyone? If we can not fix this, we are in realy
deep troble ...

Thanks, Max

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