The AccessDecisionManager is defined by the hivemind-acegi module.

On 3/21/07, Phillip Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am implementing acegi/tapestry and pulling apart the wonderful work of
James Carman (preserving the copyrights!) and re-implementing for my

My @Secured annotation is erroring out in SecurityUtilsImpl when a call to
the accessDecisionManager fails because it is null.  How is the
accessDecisionManager set in SecurityUtilsImpl?  I reviewed the
hivemodule.xml and do not see how it could be set...  Could someone point
out the magic in how the accessDecisionManager gets set?


It's for a project called authsum with is a security application that
integrates with acegi.  The cool part of it all is that it stores the
authorizations in lucene and is available via xfire.  Very enterprisy design
(4 war files)  I hope I to get some interest from the tapestry community.

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