Hi All,

I'm having some problems with JPA and translators.

I have been able to set up a number of pages for CRUD, but in one class I am using Joda's Time and Date library (specifically the DateTime class). Now it came as no surprise that this class can't be used directly from the HTML form and I would have to write a bit of code to sort this out. So when I came to the page to create the Event Session (session) I thought no problems I'll use a rtanslator, but I have been unable to get the translator to work.

The problem appears to be that the translator doesn't get called, which I can prove by using the debugger and placing a break point in both the formatObject and parseText. As you can see below I call ognl:session.startDate, which populates the form field with 2007-03-25T00:00:00.000+11:00, which is what I would expect for DateTime.toString().

Can any one tell me why the translator may not be executed for presentation (and possibly on submission)?


Below I have included some information from the relevant files:

------ HTML -------
       <td><label jwcid="@FieldLabel" field="component:startDate">Start
       <td><input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" displayName="Start Date:"
           value="ognl:session.startDate" validators="validators:required"
translators="translator:dateTime" /></td><!-- ,pattern=dd/MM/yyyy -->
------ HTML -------

------- hivemodule.xml ---------
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module id="au.org.pheno.f1" version="0.0.1">
   <!-- Validators and Translators -->
   <contribution configuration-id="tapestry.form.translator.Translators">
<bean name="dateTime" class="au.org.pheno.tapestry.translator.JodaDateTime" />
------- hivemodule.xml ---------

------- JodaDateTime.java (translator) --------
public class JodaDateTime extends AbstractTranslator {

private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_PATTERN = DateTimeFormat

* @see org.apache.tapestry.form.translator.AbstractTranslator#formatObject(org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent,
    *      Locale, java.lang.Object)
   protected String formatObject(IFormComponent field, Locale locale,
           Object object) {

       ReadableDateTime dateTime = null;
       String date = null;
       if (object == null) {
           dateTime = new DateTime();
       } else {
           dateTime = (DateTime) object;

       date = DATE_TIME_PATTERN.print(dateTime);

       return date;

* @see org.apache.tapestry.form.translator.AbstractTranslator#parseText(org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent,
    *      ValidationMessages, java.lang.String)
   protected Object parseText(IFormComponent field,
ValidationMessages messages, String text) throws ValidatorException {
       DateTime dateTime = null;

       try {
           dateTime = DATE_TIME_PATTERN.parseDateTime(text);
       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
           throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());

       return dateTime;

   protected ValidationConstraint getConstraint() {
       System.err.println("Validating JodaDateTime");
       return ValidationConstraint.DATE_FORMAT;

 public JodaDateTime() {
       // _pattern = defaultPattern();

   // Needed until HIVEMIND-134 fix is available
   public JodaDateTime(String initializer) {
       PropertyUtils.configureProperties(this, initializer);
------- JodaDateTime.java (translator) --------


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