On 28 mar 2007, at 15.50, Maximilian Weißböck wrote:

Application works with IE if we do NOT use a proxy.
It breaks in IE if we use the proxy  (we use the squid proxy).

BUT: If you set in IE the internet option "use HTTP 1.1 for proxy connections"
(don't know the exact wording since I have only a german IE available)
it also works using our squid proxy.

The problem is, IE get's just crap for all the java script, if we are behind
the proxy and the HTTP 1.1 proxy option is not set.

BTW, new problem today. A customer told me that she got two items for every click into the basket. Turns out, IE settings were "Check every time" instead of "Automatic". Interestingly, reproducing this problem wasn't possible unless the test were ran from their network connection (don't know enough about it
but I guess its one of the big telcom companies here in Sweden).

Here's the access log:

[28/Mar/2007:14:03:59 +0200] "GET /pages/search,buy_link.sdir? sp=S9789132333309&sp=1&sp=1&sp=S&sp=F&updateParts=basket_container&beven ttarget.id=buy_link&beventname=onClick&dojo.preventCache=1175083373574 H TTP/1.1" 200 2720

[28/Mar/2007:14:03:59 +0200] "GET /pages/search,buy_link.sdir? sp=S9789132333309&sp=1&sp=1&sp=S&sp=F&updateParts=basket_container HTTP/1.1" 200 48210

and compare it to a normal request:

[28/Mar/2007:14:19:58 +0200] "GET /pages/search,buy_link.sdir? sp=S9789132333309&sp=1&sp=1&sp=S&sp=F&updateParts=basket_container&beven ttarget.id=buy_link&beventname=onClick&dojo.preventCache=1175084394953 H TTP/1.1" 200 2760

In case you're interested, the request is created when you click on the shopping cart
symbol after you searched something at http://www.fsbutiken.se (Sök)

Did I tell that I hate explorer or was this yesterday?
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