Infragistics ????
samples are so old fashioned,
it's a closed/blackbox suicide framework
the grid compared to the one I'm finishing (for free) is no more then a toy.

and I don't beleave in JSF.
and all this for $1,290.00/$795.00 ????????????????????????????????????? r u
serious ;-p ?


On 3/31/07, kranga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We invested in T3 and are sticking with it until JSF matures some more
Infragistics releasing their component base for JSF, thats a great boost).
Clearly the Tapestry developers are in the pursuit of new
features/technologies rather than building up a community. Not that there
anything wrong with that, it is just their priority. However, the
consequence is reflected in the "niche and esoteric" nature of Tapestry
a glaring lack of widespread use. Tapestry gives you no lock-in and for
every upgrade you think of, you are given the opportunity to evaluate any
other framework out there :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martino Piccinato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tapestry users" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: T5 vs T4 vs Community

> Well, I know it's not T4 => T5, I was just adding a possible source of
> perception due to this misconception (and to misnaming...?)
> I think that the fact of not having a stable T4 "ajax ready" release add
> confusion to this. A customer thinking that T4 => T5 might think "well
> they
> are not pushing that much on T4 with ajax because they are already
> on T5, so as I want to work with Ajax why should I work with T4 that
> be
> soon outdated and not retrocompatible with T5?". And so on...
> And actually having
> On 3/29/07, Andrea Chiumenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Martino,
>> your comment is because you consider T4=>T5 as the major part of people
>> does.
>> On 3/29/07, Martino Piccinato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > I think another bad perception might origin from the fact of having
>> T4
>> > "Ajax ready" 4.1 release still not released as stable after quite a
>> > long
>> > time and a completely new not retrocompatible T5 appear (the same to
>> > me:
>> > not
>> > critiques, just observations).
>> >

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