I have just run into a problem that I think is probably a bug, but may be something that I am doing wrong. It's definitely a showstopper in my app, though. I have a component that allows users to rate something via the normal kind of "stars" rating. After a user clicks a star the overall rating of the object is calculated and displayed as a graphic. I use a component that employs an asynchronous DirectLink to do this, with each star having a different value on submit, and it works quite nicely. I have this custom component on two different pages and I can submit ratings on both.

However, I just added pagination, and as soon as you move off of the home page via the "next" pagination link, the DirectLink for ratings no longer returns anything. The pagination works using the standard kind of "start from" parameter, which calls a listener that simply does setStartFrom(int startFrom) and then lets the pageBeginRender() method calculate the objects to display.

I do know the reason that the ratings no longer show the updated graphic--the AjaxResponse just returns empty tags, with no errors reported at all (had a look at this with firebug):


The actual link is firing just fine, and all of the server side processing happens as my logs show. It's just that the ajax response is empty when it should include new HTML for the <div>s to be updated. It seems like there is some kind of setup that happens when you go directly to Home.html and click the rating link, but not when I've gone to the home page via a DirectLink. I cannot see what would be different, since my pageBeginRender() method is called, and everything else happens just like it should in the component and in the page.

If anyone has run into this before or has an idea regarding what this might cause an async DirectLink to return nothing in some cases, please let me know. The pagination is a major part of my app, and users need to be able to submit ratings no matter which page they are on, so I am kind of dead in the water until I get this fixed. Next step is to spend quality time with the source code, but if anyone has a better idea before I take that time...


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