I'm hearing that T5 javascript support is not fully implemented -
question - is it ready to handle a simple call like this?  IE: when the
button is pressed, it will first perform some local javascript, then
continue on with the submit process.  Does that work? If so, I must not
have the correct tapestry-javascript syntax because I'm not getting the
alert happening. Does this onClick need some reference to the scoping of
page or something like that?


<html xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>





  function buttonClick(aString) {


return true;







     <t:form t:id="doReportsForm" action="reportsForm">

       <t:submit t:id="doReportsButton" name="Run Report" 

value="Run Report" onClick="buttonClick('Submit')"/>





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