Hi all,

We recently stumbled with the following problem regarding a For component.

We have a tamplate more less like this:

<form jwcid="@Form">
           <span jwcid="@For" source="ognl:list" value="ognl:element"
               Value: <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="ognl:
               <span jwcid="@Submit" action="listener:submit"/>

The collections has a number elements say three:

public void pageBeginRender(PageEvent arg0) {
       if (getList() == null) {
           setList(new LinkedList<Element>());
           getList().add(new Element());
           getList().add(new Element());
           getList().add(new Element());

Tapestry renders the three TextFields giving them the names and ids:
elementTF, elementTF_0, elementTF_1.

But when you inspect the component/page it only has the first TextField:
elementTF, seem the others aren't a member of the page at all :(,
In order to record errors in the delegate we need to access all the
TextFields components form a listener...

Anyone can explain Why this is happening and/or a turnaround,

thanks in advance,


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