Unfortunately for me, sounds like that won't work for me. There are multiple
items on the form and focus won't be on the AutoCompleter at the time of

On 4/16/07, Chris Chiappone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've done something similiar here.  In my autoCompleteModel I
basically return the search result in the getValues() method if no
matches get returned.  Seems to work the only problem is that if the
user doesn't have the option highlighted it ends up being null, which
happens if they use the mouse to submit instead of just hitting

On 4/16/07, Daniel Leffel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for what is likely an easy question.
> I'm having users use an AutoCompleter to select something (in this case
> wine). I've turned off the forceValid option with the intent of adding
> input as a new value if it doesn't match the list.
> How do I access the value that a user input when it doesn't match
> on the list. Currently, if I try to access the value, it's null and
throws a
> null pointer exception.
> <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" id="wineChooser"
> value="ognl:wineType" model="ognl:wineAutoComleteModel"
> maxListLength="ognl:7" forceValidOption="ognl:false"/>
> --
> --------------
> Daniel Leffel
> www.rexee.com


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Daniel Leffel

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