From my understanding, T5 is much different in that there is an '@OnEvent'


class Page

  private Form form;

  NextPage nextPage;

  public Object submit()
      return nextPage;

and on your corresponding page:

<form t:type="Form" object="Registration">
<!-- Fielsd go in here -->


Hope that helps somewhat

On 5/3/07, Paul Stanton < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in html:
<form jwcid="@Form" success="listener:doSubmit">

in java:
public IPage doSubmit()

Don Heninger wrote:
> I am a noob when it comes to tapestry but I am looking for some basic
> instruction on Form handling (not the BeanEditForm) in Tapestry 5.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks,
> Don

Paul Stanton
Gunn Software
PH: (02) 9918 3666 (ext 503)

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