Look at http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/Web_Links-index-req- viewlink-cid-865.html LibCopy plugin is doing this job for Maven project. I guess you can have a look at the way it is working and just do the same in your project.

On May 15, 2007, at 4:33 PM, #Cyrille37# wrote:

#Cyrille37# a écrit :

For every Tapestry project I've to copy all Tapestry libraries in the WEB-INF/lib folder. Like I'm using Windows I could not using symbolic links. By that way, each project are heavy. I'd tried to define Tapestry as a Eclipse User Library but jars are not deployed at runtime so the tapestry apache redirect filter is not found.
Do you know a way to avoid this heavy copying ??
I've read the HowToSetupEclipseWtp but the author has the same problem.
I forget to specify that I've added the Tapestry Eclipse User Libray in the BuildPath AND in the classpath of the Server Launch configuration for Tomcat5.5


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