Hi Andreas,

Thanks for looking into it. I just tried replacing the dojo directory with
the dojo-0.4.3 download. Quite a few things do work, but a lot of it as you
said, especially ajax calls back to the server dont seem to work.

Can I help in anyway? Are there any specific steps that I need to follow to
upgrade or is it more like a case by case thing? I agree there are quite a
few dojo API changes. I am not in a shape right now to move the app to

Thanks again,

On 5/19/07, Andreas Andreou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just tried the 4.0.1 war with the latest dojo and it's not really
compatible -
i think there were a few api changes in dojo.

Inspite of that, several things do work (using the kitchen-sin profile),
it shouldn't be hard to
update tacos for dojo 0.4.3.
I'm not working with TAP-4.0.2 and tacos 4.0.1 anymore so i'll go ahead
ask another dev
what he thinks about updating.

On 5/19/07, Srinivas Yermal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using TAP-4.0.2 and the tacos 4.0.1 for an app in production. The
> dojo
> code that comes along with this I think is 0.3.3. Can I upgrade this to
> 0.4.3 without any side-effects? Has anybody done this before?
> Thanks much,
> Srini.
> On 5/16/07, Andrea Chiumenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Please update:
> >
> > ojo 0.4.3 is now available to
> > download<
> > http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-0.4.3/dojo-0.4.3-ajax.tar.gz>.
> > This is a security release. Dojo 0.4.1 and 0.4.2 users are strongly
> > recommended to upgrade as soon as possible. 0.4.1 and 0.4.2 have a
> in
> > two files that could allow cross site scripting (XSS) attacks against
> your
> > site if you do not upgrade.
> >
> --
> http://www.indygosoft.com

Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://andyhot.di.uoa.gr
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / JEE Consulting


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