You're right, but I cannot assume that the webapp will be running as the root-context, it is accually unlikely that this app will be running as the root-context. Also I cannot yet know under what context-name it will be running, so I want to setup the links to all static content in a context-aware manner.

However, since we're talking about the skin of the pages, I cannot know from which level of directory nesting the page will be rendered, as such I cannot create the links relative to the page ('../static/css/.....').

Then there's the matter that I may want to add some localized statics to the page and that would be served well by using T5 approved methods of creating the url's to static files.

Maybe I should ask my question in a different way, let's forget about the code that I already have, please ignore it and try to answer the following:
What would be the best way in Tapestry 5 to create the following html-code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[context-uri]/static/css/[name-of-skin]/base.css" title="freshletter">

in which [context-uri] is expended into the name of the context and [name-of-skin] is expended into the value of a configurable option. As a bonus the accual asset (css-file) would be localized and thus expended into base_en.css


Bill Holloway wrote:
I thought that if a directory in the context didn't conflict with a
tapestry page name (like 'start'), then the url to that directory
would reference it ok.  For example, I have a context dir (named
'webapp' under src/main) that looks like this:

- css
     - main_style.css
- images
- js

If I direct my browser to http://localhost:8080/css/main_style.css, I
get a raw dump of the css file to the browser screen as I would
expect.  This .css file also gets properly injected if I use

@Path ("context:css/main_style.css")
private Asset _mainStyle;

This is all properly working code (under Jetty at least :)


On 5/18/07, Martin Reurings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmmm, but that would generate a path to the webserver ('/static/....')
root and not to the root of the context ('[appContext]/static/...'),
plus it would bypass internationalization. Now I admit for css files the
internationalization wouldn't matter but for skin-related images it
might matter a lot and I would like to work it out within the @Inject
method if possible.

However, this idea has created a work-around for me, I'm now using the
@inject @path combo to create to url's to the separate skins and I'm
switching between them  based on the value of the property 'skin'. I
think it could be improved upon:
public class SiteDesign {

    public final static String SKIN_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
    public final static String SKIN_ADVERTISER = "advertiser";

    private String skin = "publisher";

    private Asset skin1CSS;

    private Asset skin2CSS;

    public Asset getSkinCSS() {
        if (skin.equalsIgnoreCase(SKIN_PUBLISHER)) return skin2CSS;
        return skin1CSS;

    public String getSkin() {
        return skin;


Bill Holloway wrote:
> If "skin" is a component property that's properly evaluated for you,
> you can return the evaluated path as a page property to an Any
> component in the template for the <link>:
> In
> private String _skin // perhaps a parameter or resolved in onActivate?
> public String getStylesheetPath ()
> {
>     return "/static/css/" + _skin + "/color-scheme.css";
> }
> In TheComponent.html:
> ...
> <link t:type="any" element="link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> href="prop:stylesheetPath" />
> ...
> Bill
> On 5/17/07, Martin Reurings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We've created a simple template component to render the generic html
>> layout
>> of the page and handle things like the navigation in the near future.
>> Since
>> we've just started to use tapestry I am still trying to get my head
>> around
>> some of the things that would probably seem obvious to anybody else.
>> I will have several CSS files linked in the head of my html file,
>> since the
>> url to a specific page is unknown and may be nested in a directory
>> structure
>> these files need to be absolute and should have the context root
>> included.
>> Now I've figured out how to do that using this:
>>     @Inject
>>     @Path("context:static/css/layout.css")
>>     private Asset layoutCSS;
>> The layout doesn't change, this is fine with me, but the color-scheme
>> will
>> change depending on which section of the site a user is browsing in
>> and this
>> introduces a variable in the directory structure. Now I've figured
>> out how
>> to use a property to pass that value on to my template component:
>> <t:SiteDesign title="literal:xyz" skin="literal:advertiser" xmlns:t="
>> However, I have spent some time trying to figure out how to get this
>> value
>> injected into my accual url, as this doesn't work:
>>     @Inject
>>     @Path("context:static/css/${skin}/color-scheme.css")
>>     private Asset skinCSS;
>> Can anybody tell me what the preferred way of solving this issue
>> would be?
>> Thanx,
>>  Martin
>> --
>> (   /'  _/_ __  _ _
>> |/|///)(/(/(//_(-/
>>         _/
>> Website:

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