hi all,
is anyone able to give me a hint how could I render only one component from
whole the tree of all components that given page consists of? I did such a
thing a few month ago for T4 and it worked exactly like this:
* there was a Border component wrapping all the children
* there was a special component (let's name it @AjaxContainer)
* in case a special id was found in session/request, @Border was replacing
current MarkupWriter with NullMarkupWriter and passed the control down to
the children.
* every component which was not an @AjaxContainer was obviously not rendered
in such a case
* @AjaxContainer was rendering its contents using original MarkupWriter.

as a result i got only contents of my @AjaxContainer.

The question is, how to achieve this functionality in T5? The first problem
for me was lack of NullMarkupWriter, secondly I don't know how to pass
"replaced" writer to the children components. I guess it may be achieved
somehow easier using MarkupWriterFactory, but how?


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