On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 21:52 +0800, 蝈蝈龙 wrote:
> I'm also trying to separate the packae in TP5.
> But I think the package may look like
> // business layer
> org.comp.app.business.mod1
> org.comp.app.business.mod2
> // dao layer
> org.comp.app.dao.mod1
> org.comp.app.dao.mod2
okay, but first horizontal layers and then vertical slices is not
what we want to have.

> But I don't know if we can specify several root packages for each module the
> presentation package. Is it really neccessary?
that's not really my requirement, but I want to be able to structure
my application after my preferences and though have it supported by

hopefully this is possible :)


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2007/5/25, Martin Grotzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a question concerning the configuration of tapestry5
> > with the context-param "tapestry.app-package" and the support
> > of multiple modules per application (several root-packages).
> >
> > We have an application that first has modules and then layers
> > for each module, like the following:
> >
> > org.comp.app.mod1.presentation
> > org.comp.app.mod1.business
> > org.comp.app.mod1.dao
> >
> > org.comp.app.mod2.presentation
> > org.comp.app.mod2.business
> > org.comp.app.mod2.dao
> >
> > the presentation packages shall contain subpackages
> > for services, pages and components, e.g.
> >
> > org.comp.app.mod1.presentation.pages
> > org.comp.app.mod1.presentation.components
> > org.comp.app.mod1.presentation.services
> >
> >
> > The quickstart archetype generated an AppModule class in
> > org.comp.app.mod1.presentation.services, but AFAICS
> > this is intended to configure the application, and therefore
> > should be located in a package like
> > org.comp.app.common.presentation.services.
> >
> > Then I would like to specify "org.comp.app" as the
> > "tapestry.app-package", or specify several root packages,
> > for each module the presentation package.
> >
> > I already tried the first approach, but it failed with 404 NOT_FOUND
> > if I requested a specific page at /app/mypage (e.g. with
> > MyPage.java in org.comp.app.mod1.presentation.pages).
> >
> > How is such an architecture supported by T5?
> >
> > Thanx in advance,
> > cheers,
> > Martin
> >
> >
> >
> >
Martin Grotzke

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