
I think I'm not using correctly the tapestry-ioc since my page call itself
my module to get the service implementation instance (as service):


public class UserModule {

 public static UserService buildUserService() {
   return new UserServiceImpl();


public interface UserService {
 public User getAuthenticatedUser(String login, String password) throws


public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
 public User getAuthenticatedUser(String login, String password) throws
PapoException {
   return user;



private UserService _userService;

 String onSuccess() {
   [code here]
   _userService = UserModule.buildUserService();
   _user = _userService.getAuthenticatedUser(_login.getLogin(),


My page call itself the build method... so my page is hardly linked to the
ioc but this is wrong.
I thought about something like :

private UserService _userService;

 String onSuccess() {
   [code here]
   _user = _userService.getAuthenticatedUser(_login.getLogin(),

But it doesn't compile and the notation found in the documentaiton :
doesn't exist anymore in the tapestry-core...

Any idea?

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