hi, I have a Border component like this:
<html jwcid="@Shell"
<body jwcid="@Body">
<a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:showDialog"
updateComponents="testDialog3">Show 3</a><br/>

<div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" hidden="ognl:dlHidden3" >
   <p style="display:block;background:#ffffff;width:20em;">
   This is content hidden in a Dialog.

   <a href="#" onClick="dojo.widget.byId('testDialog3').hide();return

<span jwcid="@RenderBody" />

And in Border.java I have a method:
public abstract class Border extends BasePage {
   public void showDialog() {
       Dialog dlg = (Dialog) getComponent("testDialog3");

However, when I call this component in Home page, it keeps tell me
Object [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Border] does not implement a
listener method named 'showDialog'
But I do have this method! I found this:
is that means component can't has its own listeners defined in itself?
Thank you in advance.

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