Nick Westgate wrote:
> Hi Martin.
> A typical way to do this in previous Tapestry versions is to have
> some simple logic functions in your component class to provide a
> boolean result ("this link is to the current page") which is used
> for each link's disabled parameter, and to select a string supplied
> to an informal CSS "style" parameter on each link.
> T5 would be the same, except that the core PageLink component needs
> a few tweaks to be fit for your task - so roll your own from that -
> and you will have to create an equivalent of the old getPageName().

BTW, you can use resolver.resolvePageClassNameToPageName(pageClassName)
to get page name for given page class name, where resolver is Current page class
name could be retrieved as
where resources is org.apache.tapestry.ComponentResources injected in
component. That's how my menu is working.

Ivan S. Dubrov

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