It's a guess, but I think that you just need to persist the property.

action link generate action requests, if action request does not
return a result it'self, page continues to render phase...
but this does not happen in the same request,
the page gets redirected to it self first,
so it is expected that the property is reses because it is
a completely different request.

@Persist("flash") fits jus right here, since it persists data only
for request.

Davor Hrg
On 6/7/07, Martin Dietze <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:


I want to load a page which displays a particular entry from a
database. To accomplish this I create an action link in the
parent page which causes the parent page's object to call a
method of my display-an-entry page object passing the DB-bean
as a parameter. Within that method I assign this object to a
member variable which is supposed to allow me to read and
display its data on the page.

Unfortunaetly the value of that member variable gets reset
before the page can be rendered. It seems like member vars like
this one are supposed to be initialized at a later stage within
the page's lifecycle.

Does this mean that the way I am doing it (by passing on the
object as an argument) is fundamentally wrong, or which would
be an elegant way to do this?



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My name is spelled Luxury Yacht but it's pronounced Throatwabbler

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