Dear all,

my application has 2 contexts. on web.xml i have these lines


and my Home.wml  has these

        <go jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Go" stateful="ognl:false"
               <postfield jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Postfield" name="ognl:" value="ognl:username"/>

i put my wap application under WEB-INF/wap dir

the problem is, the Go component on my Home.wml is always refers to
MReunion/app context  instead of MReunion/wap/app context
so it can't get the right page to display because it searches on the wrong
context. I access the page with http://localhost/MReunion/wap/app, and when
i clicked it, it went to http://localhost/MReunion/app  with error message
how to solve this problem?

thanks for any help

Web Application Developer
Nurulfikri Software Development

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