I made a component which have some logic inside its template.  It gets a list of
components inside her and render title, (which it gets from properties file from
a key based on nested component's id) and actual component, inside a table. It
has a number of columns as parameter. I used it till now with static components,
like simple insert and some other component which I made.

Now I need it to support forms. My component should be inside form component,
and do its job like it did till now, but I need to put TextFiled, Checkbox and
some other form components. It is important that my component must be inside
Form component.

I tried without modification to just put TextField in my component, and I get
error: "Could not find a strategy instance for class $TextField_24". Then I
tried to change class of my component to extend AbstractFormComponent instead of
AbstractComponent, and added required methods, but then I figured out that
AbstractFormComponent doesn't use template.

Please help how to solve this issue. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.


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