Sam wrote:
> I suppose Spring's transaction management would start a second
> transaction after rolling back the first one, but ONLY if you call a
> second service method that is wrapped in a transaction after getting
> an exception in a prior one.  Generally, my code is written such that
> a listener will probably only call a single service method directly,
> and any others will be called from inside the first, so the
> transaction that surrounds the first method will be inherited by any
> methods that are called from within it.  However, Spring's transaction
> manager will most definitely leave the session open after a
> transaction has been rolled back, which allows any lazily loaded
> objects to be loaded from the session during the rendering phase.

Thanks for the info.  Just to nitpick, if you're accessing lazily loaded 
you actually are starting a second transaction, just not explicitly.  Your 
driver must be in auto-commit mode if that works.  This is explicit in the 
reference manual (section 11.1.1), and also is mentioned on under "Can I commit the transaction before
rendering the view?".

My only point is that you'll get a second transaction if a service method is 
OR if a not-yet-initialized collection or property is accessed in your view.  If
you're in auto-commit mode you may be more than just two, depending on how many 
properties are fetched.

> I
> can't guarantee it isn't a problem, but we've never had any issues
> with it, so I suspect the warning against reusing a rolledback session
> is related to writing objects baxck to the db, not simply reading
> them.

Yes, that's what I'm hoping.  I suppose I will find out soon. ;)  Thanks...

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