
I'm interesting by the subject. How to integrate JSON with Tap5 in a nice way.

For the moment I'm using http://oss.metaparadigm.com/jsonrpc/ to communicate between Java Applets and WebApps. But I didn't integrate it in Tapestry ; I'm using the JSonRpc Servlet and share objects with WebApps using SpringFramework.

It would be nice to get Tapestry managing JSonRpc calls.

I'm new with Tapestry, and Java in general, so I could not bring any idea about the way to do this.
But I can participate to the discussion and make some tryies.


Evan Rawson - Work a écrit :
It would be great if a JSON component could be created for T5. After some extensive research i feel that this feature really would add a ton of flexibility of how your tapestry application can communicate with other tapestry application running on a network. For example my company needs to split up our monstrous application now consisting of about 700 to 1000 pages, and and a few thousand components. We are branching off our sub applications to run as there own independent application. The ability to allow these separate application to talk to each other is very ambigious, meaning that we need to transfer data via http sessions or via a db.
with the implementation of JSON we could easily setup a java component service 
which could allow another tapestry application to request data from another 
server by giving it the domain, app name, and service name (what you wanna look 

due to JSON 's extreme flexibility and speed, tapestry applicatiosn powered by 
JSON could allow our application to talk to and interact with pretty much any 
other application coded in any modern language. wether it be another web 
application or backend process, or even a desktop application.

i believe that JSON would be a better langauge versus say XML becuase its 
parser is faster, and its easier to intrepret in human language. JSON is also a 
more superior way to handle AJAX requests rather then using XML streams. 
(smaller size, and faster to parse)

just a thought.


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