Because it is quite large, I opt to just attach it, not paste it.
I have it is okay with you.

2007/7/4, Renat Zubairov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Could you please post your pom.xml here it would be much simpler to
see what's going on.


On 04/07/07, Eko S.W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear community,
> I use jetty as the mean to achieve hot development in Maven.
> And it works very fine.
> But, when I try to package it into WAR and have it deployed to Tomcat,
> doesn't works.
> And when I try to understand what happen, I realize that in the WAR
> are required JAR missing.
> Such as tapestry-ioc.jar, and other.
> And then, I try to declare the required JARS (who already included
> automatically in using mvn jetty:run), e.g.
> <dependency>
>    <artifactId>tapestry-ioc</artifactId>
>    ...
> </dependency>
> Of course this is not the right way (and not easy anyway, because I have
> predict, what dependency needed)
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance!
> * FYI : I am using Maven 2.0.7
> --
> Best wishes,
> Eko SW

Best regards,
Renat Zubairov

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Best wishes,
Eko SW
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""; xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:schemaLocation="";>
  <name>Project Lukman, Abdul Muiz dan Eko SW</name>

<!-- From Tapestry Quick Start Archetype -->
<!--        <dependency>



<!-- Spiking Hibernate -->


<!-- From Tapestry Quick Start Archetype -->


                <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId><!--set ke JDK 1.5 u/ Generic awalnya -->
                    <target>1.5</target><!-- u/ keperluan annotasi Generic -->

					<requestLog implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.NCSARequestLog">
                                            <!-- This doesn't do anything for Jetty, but is a workaround for a Maven bug
                                            that prevents the requestLog from being set. -->
						<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

            <!-- This changes the WAR file packaging so that what would normally go into WEB-INF/classes
             is instead packaged as WEB-INF/lib/hilo.jar.  This is necessary for Tapestry
             to be able to search for page and component classes at startup. Only
             certain application servers require this configuration, please see the documentation
             at the Tapestry 5 project page ( -->

        <!-- Adds a report detailing the components, mixins and base classes defined by this module. -->     
<!-- nah lho, cuman alamat repositorynya yg diilangin jd gak download surefire-junit plugin -->
     <snapshots />
     <name>OpenQA Maven Repository</name>
     <name>Main Maven Repository</name>

      <name>OpenQA Maven Repository</name>
    <!-- A necessary version of the surefire plugin, 2.8-SNAPSHOT, lives here. -->
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