Yeah, you'd have to use Javascript to make a URL for an AJAX update etc.

If you append the string to the URL it will be an argument to the event
(or page activation) handler, but because of the escaping performed on
the server-side you may need to do 2 AJAX calls: one to get the page URL
with the escaped argument, and the other to get the page.
Howard's example shows how you get the URL for an event handler from which
you can return text for the update. You can use similar code if you want
to get a link to a page and pass an activation parameter.

See page activation/passivation:

See createPageLink:

Then again, this might be a lot easier with T4. (Not my area.)


Matt Coatney wrote:
Thanks for your response. Let me be more specific and try to describe my
question better. New to Tapestry so bear with...

I have a textbox and a button. The user types something and clicks Go. I
want to, somehow, pass the information in the textbox to a service which
looks at the string and sends another one back. My thinking was to use a
javascript function to do this. Is there a way to do that? Or Is there a
better way to accomplish this that I haven't been exposed to yet?


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