I've been using IE Developer Toolbar and there are no script errors and
the elements with the proper IDs are found on the page using the @Any

I noticed Shing sent this link out in his reply to tabs supporting
listeners post (sent 7/23/07 "The following has an example (in Tap
4.1.2).") and this example also does not work in IE7. 


Using SysOuts the page parameters are set and persisted, the
BrowserEvent sends back the right target id and the event name and it
does another sysout when it gets past the
cycle.getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("blah") so it seems like IE
is doing everything except updating the component. I also tried adding a
submitForm="formName) to the EventListener in case there was a
regression (saw that in some other post) but that did not help either.

Any other things I can try?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Kuhnert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 6:47 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: t4.1.2 internet explorer only issue with

Nothing would change on the server side for any specific browser (except
maybe with asset cache handling) - so I'd turn on client side debugging
see what happens?  (and also install micro$oft script debugger -

On 7/20/07, Anna Vo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a property selection that when selected updates a page property
> and then a few components. In Safari and FF (mac and pc) everything
> works, but when I test in IE7 and IE6 it does everything (sets the
> property) but then fails to update the specified components (some text
> and some form elements). Basically it seems to not be doing anything
> with cycle.getResponseBuilder().updateComponent(). Has anyone run into
> this?
> Sample Code:
> @EventListener(targets="theSelectId", events="onchange")
> public void doFooSelected(IRequestCycle cycle)
> {
>         setSomeId(getCurrentOptionValue().getId());
> cycle.getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("someId");
>         cycle.getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("someId2");
> }
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
>         Some text
> </div>
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
>         Form component
> </div>
> <form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" focus="false"
> success="listener:doFooSelected">
>         <label for="theSelectId"><span key="Text"></span></label>
>         <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> value="ognl:currentOptionValue" model="ognl:someModel" />
> </form>
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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around
dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind. http://blog.opencomponentry.com

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