Couple of comments...
First, the T5 asset service has the md5 feature. But the default implementation, at the moment, only requires md5 hashing for the .class files. (So, there's not an open door to the class bytes at the moment. ;) Second, I have a T5 app that should be going live in the next few days. So I implemented an extensible AssetProtectorDispatcher. By default, it uses a whitelist strategy, and the default configuration will add the various tapestry assets (default.css, grid's components, etc.) to the whitelist for you.
You can download it here: ViewComponent&sp=SAssetProtectionDispatcher

Or, if you're a maven user, I've got it in a personal maven repo here:



On Jul 27, 2007, at 7/277:54 AM , Chris Lewis wrote:

I'm quite new to Tapestry and just 2 days ago have started working with Tap 5. I realize the two (4 vs 5) are disparately different, but one of the things nice about the Tap 4 asset service was the checksum feature I mentioned that would deny access unless the sum in the url matched that of the file. My newness to Tap may show here, but why can't the asset service simply ignore requests for files that are not marked (@Asset) as assets? I mean doesn't a deny- all first and allow explicit exceptions strategy seem much more sane then providing an open door to the whole classpath (class bytes included??)?

Robert Zeigler wrote:

Asset service doesn't really need a configuration point here, imo.
You can already make contributions to services that would allow you to implement this sort of content filtering. For instance, you could contribute a RequestFilter. Alternatively, you could contribute a Dispatcher to teh MasterDispatcher service. Contributions to MasterDispatcher are ordered, so you can contribute your "AssetBlockerDispatcher" before the asset service, intercept requests to "forbidden" assets, and respond appropriately. You could then make your custom dispatcher (or request filter) configurable in the manner that you desire. You don't rewrite any of the asset service, you get your content filtering, and you can write it as a drop-in module for any new projects.


On Jul 26, 2007, at 7/266:18 PM , Daniel Jue wrote:

Thiago, my apologies.  You are correct.  I would think this is big a
problem if you can't hide important files from users!


On 7/26/07, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 16:46:37 -0300, Daniel Jue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,  Just don't put configuration resources there.

I'm not sure you had understood what I've said.

My hibernate.cfg.xml is in /src/main/resources. So it is copied by
Eclipse/NetBeans/Maven/whatever to my webapp's classpath. And anything in
the classpath, as far as I can see, is accessible via
<applicatiourl>/assets. As many frameworks expect their configuration files to be in the classpath, I think we have a little, easy to solve
problem here. :)


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