On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:13:07 -0300, Martin Grotzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 17:37 -0300, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
And has anyone implemented a Select-like component for multiple option
selection? It would be very nice to have both multiselect and palette, as
T4 has.

Take a look at this thread, it's really easy to implement multiselect
with T5:

Thank you!

As almost anything in T5, it's easy to implement. :)
I sent that message in the hope the T5 committers add one multiselection implementation to the T5 core library. Maybe I should post a JIRA (unless it stills throws a NPE when posting a new one). The framework itself must provide in its final version (yes, I know T5 is pre-alpha) all the trivial components, otherwise potential new users will take a look and think something like "there's no multiselect (or any other simple component)!!! How could I work with a framework that makes me write code for such a simple thing?". ;)


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