
I want to operate JSON during <body onload:???>

Basically I have a Border.html that operates a custom <head> which renders a header image.

<span jwcid="@ScriptIncludes" />
        jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        stylesheet="ognl:assets.stylesheet"   >
<body jwcid="@Body">

But my header images are not scaling to the exact size of the box.

So I would like to operate JSON during ONLOAD in order to ask the server what the actual size of the box is using dojo.html.getContentBox(???);

Can anyone explain how I can rig this up?

Preferably I would like to use...
   void renderComponent(IJSONWriter writer,IRequestCycle cycle)

The doc semantics for rigging all this up are not clear.

At best there are two variables I would like to gather from the server (scaleWidth, scaleHeight... which are the actual outer dimensions of the box in question).

Thanks in advance

Best regards
Ken in nashua

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