So it looks like one would need to (re)create something similar to the T4 Shell component. I've taken a brief look at the DOM api, and if I were to write something as focused as a Style component, then it looks like I'd have to:

1) create my component class, either in my.namespace.components, or another module that is loaded and contributed
2) get a MarkupWriter instance via void beginRender/@BeginRender
3) use writer.getRootElement() to get the root, and then traverse into the <head> 4) assuming eHead is my <head> Element, use eHead.element("link", "rel", "stylesheet", "type", "text/css", "href", "TODO-css-url-here"), to append a <link>

Can anyone comment on the (in)correctness of this?
It'd be nice to ensure ordering of the sheets somehow, so they can cascade properly. It'd be easier to do that with a more sophisticated Shell-link component that handled building the page base (head, metas, scripts, etc). Anyway, please share thoughts.


Robert Zeigler wrote:
T5 renders with a dom.
Gives you a lot of control...
You could create a "style" component that finds the head and inserts the appropriate <link> element. Then your components could add their own stylesheets using the style component, with the page and containing components none the wiser. You would want to make sure that a given stylesheet is inserted only once, of course (eg, if your component is contained within a loop...).
A component like this should be very straightforward to write in T5.


On Aug 13, 2007, at 8/134:51 PM , Chris Lewis wrote:

One of the nice things I learned in my brief investigation of T4.1.2 was that the Shell component would automatically pick up any style sheets a page declared using the @Style annotation (or something like that). I've been wondering how something like this might be achieved in T5, using the available components as opposed to subclassing a base page. This seems like a feature that would be part of the core, as it is such a common need. I know I could emulate this by creating a layout that expected a page property, say externalCss (a collection), and using the Loop component to iterate it and insert the link elements. Is this the only way to do this in T5?


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