Hi ,everyone

I've downloaded the last version 5.0.5.My distro is fedora 7 (hope this 
information be useful).

My problem: reading tapestry's home page noticed that there's a tutorial 
section.Decided that it was a good starting to use the framework but in some 
part says:"now let's import the package org.apache.tapestry.html".

Thought fine no problem, but when I wrote the sentence for the import in my ide 
(netbeans 5.5)tells me "sorry org.apache.tapestry.html doesn't exists..."

Suppose it was a download problem so, downloaded again and make all the what it 
needed to do,and try again 
and the told me exactly the same.

After reading the FAQ and wiki sections couldn't find any reference to my 
problem or if the downloaded file would have any.If someone could give me a 
clue or something that maybe I'm missing would be great.

Thanks in advance.
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