
I'm trying to get a simple form with some radio buttons and labels working, without success. Following is the source for my Login page template and class. Note that the page is rendering in a layout component.

<div t:type="layouts/General" xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>
       <t:RadioGroup value="listerType" encoder="stringEncoder">
           <t:Label for="reg-agent">Type</t:Label>
           <t:Radio id="reg-agent" type="radio" value="listerType"/>
           <t:Radio id="reg-fsbo" type="radio" value="listerType"/>

public class Login {
public static final String AGENT_LISTER="AGENT";
   public static final String AGENT_FSBO="FSBO";
   private String listerType = AGENT_LISTER;
   private StringValueEncoder stringEncoder = new StringValueEncoder();

    * @return the listerType
   public String getListerType() {
       return listerType;

    * @param listerType the listerType to set
   public void setListerType(String listerType) {
       this.listerType = listerType;

    * @return the stringEncoder
   public StringValueEncoder getStringEncoder() {
       return stringEncoder;

When I visit the page I am greeted with a "Failure reading parameter for of component listers/Login:label: Component listers/Login does not contain an embedded component with id 'reg-agent'." exception, but there is a component with id reg-agent!

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