
I'm redeveloping an application in T5 that will have several wizard-like form sequences. Basically a few forms on a few pages that must be followed in order, with the ability to revisit/jump around in steps already completed. A wizard should prevent steps (pages) from being accessed out of sequence unless they have already completed that step. Ultimately the completion of a wizard will result in 1 ore more objects being created and most likely persisted. The first one I'm implementing is fairly small - 2 forms on 2 pages. Its obviously easy to verify and handle the input from the first page, and then render the second page as needed. I simply have an onSuccessFromRegister handler return an instance of the second page. Before it returns this instance, it calls a setter on the second page to indicate the decision(s) made on the first (bucket brigade?). This is working, but what it doesn't do is prevent the 2nd page from being accessed out of sequence. So I thought implementing one of the early render methods in the page to check for the valid sequence would be good, but I don't know how to redirect the user if needed, since I can't just return a page instance (its not an action handler)!
If anyone has input on how to achieve this I'd appreciate input.

PS Form components must always trigger a method in that page class, as opposed to a different one, right?

thanks :)


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