You can extend the BeadEditForm instead of copying it can't you? That would be a pain...

Daniel Jue wrote:
In general, Tapestry's defaults are good -- they get you up and
running.  But for people who want to add more pieces of flair to the
components, we'll probably end up needing to copy the component and
make changes as needed.  For example, rewriting the Grid component's
template to make changes to the DOM that gets output.  Or adding more
CSS tags to the elements of the bean form, so we can make more
specific CSS changes if we want to.

As for the colon. it's plausible that you may want a question mark
after a field label, or perhaps in some locales you may not want a
prompt character at all.

For an immediate fix, without affecting your other submit buttons,
maybe you can wrap your bean edit form inside a div, and use that
div's class as a way to help target the submit button.

On 8/20/07, Kolesnikov, Alexander      GNI
Thank you, Chris,

CSS2 has a lot of wonderful stuff in it, but the problem is that it
doesn't work consistently in different browsers. For example, your
solution works in Firefox, but not in IE6, the most popular Web browser
these days.

On the other hand, having a different style for the button area would
work in every browser, and it would allow someone to use a different
background for the button area too - why not?

Another style used for BeanEditForm I am not happy with is this:

FORM.t-beaneditor LABEL:after {
  content: ":";

Looks like a clever use of CSS2, but again, this doesn't work in both
IE6 and IE7. Also, in some other browsers (don't remember now, probably
Opera), the colon seems to be lower than the label, not properly
aligned. And, if you think about it, why not to have this colon
hard-coded? What else one would wish to place after the label instead of
a colon? A semicolon? :/


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 August 2007 18:07
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: [T5] BeanEditForm CSS suggestion


You can use CSS2 attribute selectors to match only submit input types.
Try this:

div.t-beaneditor-row input[type="submit"] { font-size: 20px; }

This will match only input elements of type submit.


Kolesnikov, Alexander GNI wrote:
I wonder if it would make sense to use a different CSS class for the
DIV that contains the Submit button in BeanEditForm (not
t-beaneditor-row)? I am trying to tweak the button using
div.t-beaneditor-row input style, but whatever I do with it, the same
applies to all the other <input> elements in the form...


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