I've started a page :


Comments and changes are welcome.


Ulrich Stärk a écrit :
If localeItem is the value of your for component, you can put all this into your page class and thus simplify your template. The for component will take care, that getLocaleItem() in your page class will return the actual LocaleItem.
getComputeUrl() could be

public String getComputeUrl() {
  String locale = getLocaleItem().getLanguage();
  return getContextPath() + "/Public/flags/" + locale + ".gif";

and then simplify your expression to ognl:computeUrl. It's a question of style but I find it more readable that way.


#Cyrille37# schrieb:
Ulrich Stärk a écrit :
Well, rename computeUrl() to getYouNameIt() and access it using ognl:youNameIt from your template or page specification.
I compute the url in the html in a for loop.
So the stuff I miss is how to access "infrastructure:contextPath" from ognl.

I did this

and it's working ! Great.



#Cyrille37# schrieb:
Ulrich Stärk a écrit :
Let Tapestry inject the infrastructure:contextPath object like

public abstract String getContextPath();

Then write some computeUrl method similar to this one (just typed this in,
no guarantee that this will work).

public String computeUrl() {
    String locale = getLocale().getCountry().toLowerCase();
    return getContextPath() + "/Public/flags/" + locale + ".gif";
Thank you Ulrich,

This is the Java way, what is the Ognl way ? To use in Html and/or Jwc files.



On Mi, 22.08.2007, 01:53, #Cyrille37# sagte:
I could not find how to compute a url ...
It is for a component which give the user the possibility to change his
locale by clicking on a image (country flags).

Urls should be like : /theApp/Public/flags/fr.gif
There is 2 dynamics parts :
 * the application context  : /theApp
 * the available locale code : fr
like : <context>/Public/flags/<localeCode>.gif

I thought about <asset name="xxx" path="context:xxxx" /> but it is not possible because path attribute started by "context:" could not use ognl
Also thought about <img jwcid="@Any" src="ognl: page.context + '/xxx/' +
currentLoopItem + '.gif' " /> but "page.context" does not exists.

I really could not find how to compute the <context> part of urls.
Have you got any idea please ?


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