I can't really see why is not having recursive components
such a problem.

Any tree can be easily walked through like a list,
but then rendered (indented) to look like a tree to the user.

So, rendering recursive data, like BeanEditForm should be
no science fiction. Like any other thing, providing a good
example can suffice. Using recursiive component to create
a tree is the first thing we can think of, but it doesn't mean
it's the best way.

Davor Hrg

On 8/22/07, Francois Armand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Todd,
> Todd Orr wrote:
> > I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
> > agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
> > concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
> > but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
> > is far simpler and maybe more "correct" than this iterative approach.
> >
> I read again my post and saw that I didn't express myself properly (put
> it on my low level in English).
> I should have write :"The non-support of recursive structure seems to
> bring a lots of simplification with it _for Tapestry internal,
> replication and performance problematics_". It seems to be a design
> choice, and as I'm not a Tapestry developer, I can't explain exactly why
> it was done, even if replication/pool of pages seems to be around.  I
> came from functional programming projects where this kind of structure
> is quite common, so personaly, I find that it's a real lake.
> > First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
> > it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
> > one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
> > tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
> > factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.
> >
> > Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
> > code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
> > excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
> > view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
> > construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
> > hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
> > conceptually separate pieces of code.
> >
> If you look at the source code for "for" component, you will see that it
> is far from being trivial. It also deals with raw output, and different
> case are need if the loop is in a form or not...  But the use of "for"
> component is quite simple. You could design a "Tree" component that
> handle this stuff and just use it elsewhere in a simple way. with a
> clear separation between template using this component and the
> component. It's what I did in a tree component :
> http://svn.forge.objectweb.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/interldap/interldap-wui-t5/trunk/src/main/java/org/interldap/wui/tapestry/components/Tree.java?view=markup&rev=97
> > Third, this approach makes it impossible for any "node" in the tree to
> > contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create
> > links...wow. Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
> > and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
> > required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
> > need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
> > developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
> > for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.
> >
> Ok, so here, the problem is that the tree component is not well designed
> (or not as much generic as it should be). Perhaps a real tree component
> in standard lib would be good. But it has little to do with the lack of
> recursion structure, that is painful. A tree structure would be (at
> best) a bypass for this lack.
> --
> Francois Armand
> Etudes & Développements J2EE
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