

I need to build a web application that will act as an administration panel
for one of our systems here. It must be written in Java and unfortunately
I've never written a web app in Java before. I've only written standalone
Java apps. I have written many portals/content management systems in PHP
using my own custom frameworks based around the Smarty template engine and
so I'm looking for that kind of simplicity, rapid development and separation
of logic/design experience in Java. This is what led me to Tapestry as it
appears to have many similarities to the frameworks I've written in PHP. As
such I have started a new project for Tapestry 5.0.5 in Eclipse 3.3 and have
been able to get through all of the basic tutorials available. Still, not
all my questions are being answered. If any of you can provide me some
answers to these questions it would be greatly appreciated. I apologize for
my ignorance in this matter. Like I said, I've never written a web app in
Java before.


1.      When a user points their browser to
http://server/myapp/somepage.html where does the entry point of execution
for the component begin? For instance, since this application will be an
administration tool I will need a user to authenticate their self and then
hold a session. If the user attempts to access a page that they do not have
access to either because their permission level isn't high enough or because
they have not logged in, then I would need to redirect them. So where do I
put the code to make these checks and further set up my page?
2.      Typically when I write a web application there is a common look and
feel the entire application must conform to. In order to provide much
simpler page development I usually create a header and footer file to
contain the common HTML elements that will then be pieced together with the
body of a template as a page is being rendered. How can I accomplish this
with Tapestry?
3.      How do I create and access persistent objects and variables that can
span the entire realm of pages I am building? I see that I can inject
variables into other pages and that variables/objects can be set in the
component but this seems to always require that the programmer know which
page the user comes from and which pages the user will end up. For instance,
I would create an object representing the user including their properties,
priveleges, etc. once they log in. This object should be persistent across
the entire web application so that if the user decides to use a bookmark to
move to another page they're session will still remain and they will not
need to log back in.


Once again thank you for any help you can provide. I'm sure this stuff seems
obvious but writing web apps in Java is apparently very different from
writing web apps in a scripting language model.


Jean-Philippe Steinmetz


Webmaster / Developer

Information Sciences Institute

University of Southern California




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