Hello all,

I'm in the unlucky situation that I have to give up working with my favourite 
Web Framework - Apple's WebObjects - in favor to something that is more
J2EE-homed and more open source (seems that WO will be this too at some time, 
but even then - no chance) and more portal-ready.

Perhaps I will be forced to use JSF, but if I have some good arguments, perhaps 
there is a small chance to push some other framework - Tapestry, for

I've experimented a little with JSF and was totally disappointed. The main 
things I missed comparing to my previous-millennium-framework were:

- working iterators, especially with a dynamic number of input fields and 
buttons in the iterator body
- object oriented developing
- component oriented developing

"Object oriented developing" means: imagine a list of objects I want to display 
in a list box. I want to write a method which extracts a displayable
string, but that's already all. I think it's the framework's problem to 
generate HTML-able VALUE-Strings and to convert those strings back to objects.
My previous millennium framework had absolutely no problem doing this for me - 
it simply numbered the elements and the only thing I had to do is to
make sure that the Collection of objects was the same at the beginning of the 
next action request.

Frustrated like this I had a look at Tapestry, which was invented in memory of 

Most of my JSF-problems seem to have a Tapestry-solution, that's fine. But, oh 
no, what is this "ValueEncoder"-thing??? Don't say it is what I'm
afraid of it might be ...

Any comments?



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