It figures that I would run into this problem.  Placing the Tree Component's
java script block, as seen on the wiki, can cause Abort errors on IE (tested
ie6) because it's modifying the DOM before it is loaded all the way.  (I am
using a larger, complex page to experience these errors)  My page probably
has 30-40 components on it, and the Tree I have is right in the middle of
that stack.

To remedy the problem, I put the 7 lines of javascript code at the bottom of
my border component, to make sure it always goes last.

<script type="text/javascript">
                treeObj = new JSDragDropTree();
                treeObj.setRenameAllowed (false);

But for pages that don't have a tree on them, I get a script error because
JSDragDropTree is undefined.

Does anyone have a better solution for this?  This must have been solved
Is there a hook in prototype we can use for making things run after the DOM
is complete?  The problem doesn't happen with Firefox 2.

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