
I've read the manual about services, but don't get it: It's like seeing the
puzzle pieces, but not the whole. Can someone explain it to me please,

   1. How can I use a service to connect to my database? Or should I use
   2. How can I use a service to access the file system? In the demos,
   Howard uses a service to access his CD library, and it seems really cool,
   but I have no idea how he does it...

More specifically, I had a struts2 MVC webapp which I'm porting to T5. It
had three layers: JSP, which maps nicely to HTML templates, Controllers,
which are myTapestry components and pages, and my DAL, which is still there.
So for every serious class that I need to persist, it has a DAO that does it
for me e.g.:

    public WhateverDAO() {
        dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
    public List<QandA> retrieve(long poId) throws SQLException {
        JdbcTemplate jt = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

This does not seem to be the Tapestry way, but can someone show me the true
path :-) A service seems to be the answer... or Hibernate, but I'm not sure
whether that will save me a lot of time.


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