Ok, so I checked out the tapestry trunk with subversion, then cd'd into the directory and ran 'mvn install'. It seems to be stuck on the "Running Integration Tests" step (after opening a browser with the link http://localhost:9999/selenium-server/core/SeleneseRunner.html? sessionId=1190418451552 and containing a blank page)

Do I then use the instructions here:
http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/ Tapestry5HowToCreateYourQuickstartWithMaven206
to instead point the repository toward my local hard drive?

If I can get this working it'd be great - just sync up tapestry and build with subversion each evening, and do the same with my local project to be working against the latest version.

If you've done this, am I on the right track?

Robert A. Decker

On Sep 21, 2007, at 12:48 AM, Davor Hrg wrote:

you can run "mvn install" from downloaded tapestry source
and use 5.0.6-SNAPSHOT in your pom

On 9/21/07, Francois Armand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert A. Decker wrote:
It looks like those annotation classes exist in the latest version
(the svn export) but not in version 5.0.5. What's the old way (version
5.0.5) way of doing:
There wasn't annotation to do this before 5.0.6 (svn), so if you are
using 5.0.5, you have to set the order of properties thanks to the
beanModel and methods like beanModel.get("propoertyName").order (10), see http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tapestry-core/guide/ beaneditform.html
to have more explanations.

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
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