Hy Bryant,

Just a reminder that templates can access messages which are cataloged in either YourApp.properties or SomeComponent.properties. So if you have a layout component then you could simply have it access a message string like so:


No if that doesn't suit, and of course it won't if you need a title to depend on application state, then you need to use a component parameter. Here's what your class might look like:

public class MyLayout {

   private String title = "";

    * We'll use 'title' in the template, so we'll need a getter.
    * @return the title
   public String getTitle() {
       return title;


And layout your (minimal) MyLayout.html template:


Now when you use your layout component you simply have to pass in the title. From a template this would be:

   <t:mylayout title="pageTitle"/>

Here "pageTitle" would have to be a property of the page using the component. Remember that the default binding prefix for component parameters is "prop:", which means Tapestry will try to access a getter named "getPageTitle" on your page.

You could also probably initialize the component title from your page class by declaring the component in the page and then setting it programatically.

Hope that helps.


Bryant Castaneda wrote:

I am new to Tapestry and to version 5. I am trying to use a page to
pass in the parameter string to my layout component. Example, passing
in a title from my page to my layout component. Also, trying to do
this without using injection. Let me know if this is feasible.


- Bryant

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