So. I love the Environment, and you can use it to easily manager
request-singleton objects for the pages (through simple contributions).

But it looks like the Environment object is only used for the Render
cycle, and it's totally empty for the onActivate and onAction (event
phases).  I think that's sad, because I can't as easily squirt in
objects, I would have to create per-thread holders for each type that I
want to pass in.. etc.

Does anyone else feel this way?  Does anyone have any solutions?

Here is an idea.  We can have a Request Level Environment, as well as
the Render Phase Level Environment that we have now, but the
RenderPhase-Environment could inherit from the Request-Environment.  It
would be the same object, Environment, but could have a parent
Environment.  Then we should be able to setup an environment higher up
in the request handling phase, and have one extend from the other.  That
way I can have environment contributions that are used during both the
activate and render phases..

This might be a little esoteric and only for those actually hacking
tapestry, but what do you think??

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