Dear All,

I developed my tapestry 4.1.2 app top level in my browser. However, it is meant to run inside an IFRAME of some other application beyond my control.

I used LinkSubmit on some forms and they worked great, calling the JavaScript function tapestry.form.submit(), at toplevel in my browser. But when framed in that IFRAME, nothing happens as the package and hence function is not available.

The pageload yields an exception:

Error: [Exception... "'Permission denied to get property HTMLDocument._parentWindow' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)" location: "<unknown>" data: no]

and clicking the link yields "Tapestryform. has no properties.

People in my team tell me, it is because of 'cross site scripting' not being allowed. Is there a way around this limitation? Or some other way to get ImageSubmit and LinkSubmit like behaviour?

I tried fiddling with renderBaseTag in the @Shell. Browsing the Dojo site for a solution, but I wouldn't even know how to bring in a newer dojo version as 0.4.3. in seems to be packaged beyond mvn control.

tapestry/core.js seems to have been loaded fine, can I somehow force form.js to be loaded directly instead of by dojo?

Kind regards,

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