AFAIK, You can't use the @EJB annotation outside of an actual bean or
class managed by the EJB framework (Tapestry is not). You need to bind
to the using a JNDI context - I think the Quickstart example has a good
example of using a Tapestry ASO (BeanLocator) for that.

Pavel Volkovitskiy wrote:
> Hello!
> i'm trying to use ejb3 beans from my tap5 app
> right now i'm doing:
> mtx/racer/pages/contract/
> ...
> @EJB
> private SellerFacadeLocal sellerFacade;
> and then
> public StreamResponse onSubmit() {
> ...
> Seller s = sellerFacade.getSeller(code, dealer, comment);
> there Seller - entity, sellerFacade - stateless bean and
> sellerFacadeLocal - interface
> but this doesn't work, i'm getting "javax.naming.NotContextException:
> geronimo/env/mtx.racer.beans.SellerFacade/entityManager"
> so, i'm doing  something  wrong...
> any tips or tap5&ejb3 examples?

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