The outer loop's "index" paramter and the inner loops "index" parameter are independent. However, the property to which they are bound in your page is up to you. So, in your example, where both index parameters are bound to the index property, you're going to get collision, just as you would with:
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
  for(i=5;i<15;i++) {
You'll need two distinct index properties here:

<span jwcid="@For" source="ognl:collection" value="ognl:currentObject" index="ognl:outerIndex"> <span jwcid="@For" source="ognl: new IntIterator(1,100)" index="ognl:innerIndex">

public abstract int getInnerIndex();
public abstract void setInnerIndex(int idx);
public abstract int getOuterIndex();
public absract void setOuterIndex(int idx);


On Oct 8, 2007, at 10/81:11 PM , Ken nashua wrote:

How do I resolve contention over INDEX on the nested loop? If I refer to INDEX... is it inner or outer?

<span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" source="ognl:collection" value="ognl:currentObject" index="ognl:index"> <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" source="ognl:new IntIterator(1,100)" index="ognl:index">

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 13:25:25 -0400

Andy, I will give that IntIterator a try... but I have a parameter in OGNL called tableSize. How do I pass this into the IntIterator constructor?

source="ognl:new IntIterator(1,ognl:tableSize)"


thanks for helping

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 13:22:26 -0400

tassle component LOOP is for 3.0.

No indicator it is for T-4.1.2

Still blue in the face,.,.,.

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 12:51:17 -0400

All I am looking for is a Loop component.

Tap-4.1.2 has none.

Unless someone wants to point it out and skip all the heck.

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 12:05:46 -0400

Thanks Bob but I need to span the whole list.

Thanks Andy but I how do I cause a for loop to iterate N iterations independent of any collection?

I guess I am looking for static iteration independent of any collection. I am inheriting from baseComponent so I am not inclined to do this as a pure java widget. I need to operate off the template.

Would @Deletagor be an option?

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:34:04 -0400

I can whip off a solution in JSP while I am typing...

<span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" source="ognl:collection"
    value="ognl:currentObject" index="ognl:index">

        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            spit out <TR><TD>...</TD></TR>

Why is it so hard to do such a fundamental thing in tapestry?

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:22:50 -0400

martino I am already using the FOR component on my list.

I have a select component that sets a tableSize at the top of page for a list==100.

If tableSize = 10, then I want to render 10 items within a <TR></TR>
And continue until the list is exhausted.

Then I will see 10 rows. Right?

FOR does not permit this to happen. It is blind.

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: RE: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:19:16 -0400

Thanks Martino but FOR does not cut it. It blindly iterates a collection from 0..N.

I need a component with which I can manipulate the front end starting index and jump out break at a specified numeric index.

Example: I have a list of 100 . Now I want to render <tr><td></td></ tr> and show 7 elements and iterate again to do the same until the list is exhausted. I cannot do this with FOR.


Best regards
Ken in nashua

Subject: does tapestry 4.2 have an iterator component
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 10:57:42 -0400

I would like to do some iteration like a true for loop with front, back and computable boundaries.

Is there such a component?

Best regards
Ken in nashua
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