Well, after some cleanup and further test now the component is
(apparently) working perfectly. There was in fact some bad old code in
there that was messing up things.

But the strangest thing ever is that  firebug still gives me that
stalelinkexception when I fire my ajax eventlistener!! even though the
component is working. Nor I see any other request/response (XHR/NET)
with the html fragments that I KNOW are being updated (I just see
screen changing...)

So the situation is this:

I change a select, see a single request starting in firebug XHR/Net,
going to the correct listener and marked as dojo-ajax-request: true I
get the response, the second select is correctly updated, I look into
the response content with firebug and I see the above reported stale
link exception!

I'm puzzled.

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